Medical Qigong Training for Self  & Family Care
Chi Wellness, LLC offers a medical qigong practitioner training program for students wish to use their clinical training toward the improvement of health and well being of self and family members.  Please note that this curriculum does not provide the training required to develop the qualifications that are needed to receive national professional certification from the National Qigong Association as a professional clinical qigong healer or teacher.  To acquire the skills that meet the requirements of NQA certification, enrollment into our Professional Medical Qigong Practitioner Certification training curriculum is necessary.  We must emphasize that training in qigong, whether it is for personal or professional purpose, must be undertaken gradually and under the close guidance of a highly advanced clinical qigong healer and teacher (otherwise serious chi deviations that adversely affect physical and emotional health could result).  A medial qigong practitioner is very effective in supporting family and communities with their healing processes when the practitioner places prominent focus in his/her self-healing as an integral part of his/her training.  Graduation from our Medical Qigong Care for Self and Family training program requires the student’s satisfactory completion of the following courses of study and practice here in Chi Wellness, totaling approximately 337 hours within the range of time of 2 to 3 years.  At the time of this update, completion of this curriculum incurs the expense of approximately $5905 in tuition during the 2-3 year study period.  Certain courses may be taken simultaneously.

Please refer to our schedule of Qigong Lifestyle for Self Healing courses for the descriptions, dates and times of the following required courses:

The Center of Qigong
Life Meets Mastery as Energy Cultivates Balance for Health and Happiness

"The Qigong Lifestyle Coach"
Medical Qigong Therapist
Qigong Teacher

720.427.0406 Tel Email
Suite 105, Colorado Club Building
4155 East Jewell Avenue
Denver, CO 80222
"When I met Debra I went into learning the Qigong form knowing it would be "good" for me but also dreading how physically demanding it felt. Debra made it fun and challenging as I began the journey of refining my chi. Since that first year I have taken Debra's medical qigong classes and have fallen in love with learning about Qigong healing wisdom. Debra is incredibly accommodating, kind, gentle, compassionate, intelligent and wise in her approach with each individual. I have also experienced one-on-one Qigong healing with Debra...all I can say is WOW, the healings and classes have changed the way in which I am able to be in this world. I now experience more health, laughter and joy on a regular basis. I feel so blessed to have met Debra.

Patricia B., Englewood, CO

Beyond the courses identified above, the following courses must be successfully completed to in order to complete the Medical Qigong Training for Self and Family Care:

Format: 1 4–hour Workshop, Tuition: $90
These workshops review, and address questions regarding, philosophies, practices and exercises learned in Beginning the Qigong Lifestyle and Deepening Qigong Wisdom, hence these courses must be successfully completed prior to enrolling in this workshop series.

8 Monthly 8.0-hour Classes + 8 Monthly 3.0-hour Homework Periods, Tuition+Materials:  $1240
Prerequisite:  A student enrolling in this course must first successfully complete both Begin Your Qigong Lifestyle and Deepening Qigong Wisdom.

60.0 Class Hours (2 3-hour  per monworkshops per month, for 10 months) in Advanced Clinical Qigong Technique and Clinical Chi Nutrition, plus 40.0 hours of Homework and at least 1 Case Study (treatment protocol planning), Tuition+Materials:  $1240
Prerequisite: A student enrolling in this course must first successfully complete Year 1 of Medical Qigong Practitioner Training.
Payment in full of tuition for each training module is due on the first meeting date within the course, unless previously and otherwise arranged with Ms. Allen.  All tuition, fees and payments due or paid are NON-REFUNDABLEWe accept payment in the forms of checks, money orders, cash and most major credit cards.